CKEditor 4 file manager FAQ

CKEditor toolbar configuration

By default, Flmngr in CKEditor 4 automatically adds its toolbar line to your existing configuration, so there is no need to define the toolbar parameter.

So, you can do nothing or, if you wish to replace this behavior and manually configure the toolbar button by button, please switch to the manual toolbar in Dashboard and add or change the toolbar:

In config.js

Initialization script

// Switch to manual toolbar in Dashboard or use an option below: 
/*config.ui = {
    useAutoToolbar: false
config.toolbar = [
    // Your existing toolbar configuration
    { name: 'standard', items: ['Bold', 'Italic', '-', 'FontSize', 'Format', '-', 'JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock', '-', 'TextColor','BGColor', '-', 'RemoveFormat']},
    // Add these buttons as you wish
    { name: 'flmngr', items: ['Upload', 'Flmngr', 'ImgPen', '-', 'Image', 'ImagePreview2', 'ImageGallery2']}
// Switch to manual toolbar in Dashboard or use an option below:
/*ui: {
    useAutoToolbar: false
toolbar: [
    // Your existing toolbar configuration
    { name: 'standard', items: ['Bold', 'Italic', '-', 'FontSize', 'Format', '-', 'JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock', '-', 'TextColor','BGColor', '-', 'RemoveFormat']},
    // Add these buttons as you wish
    { name: 'flmngr', items: ['Upload', 'Flmngr', 'ImgPen', '-', 'Image', 'ImagePreview2', 'ImageGallery2']}

Flmngr itself handles files in your server storage, but CKEditor already has tools to add images located on external servers via URL.

If you are asking this question, that means after you click the "Image" button, you see the Flmngr dialog (not the standard dialog with a "Browse" button calling Flmngr), right?

In such a case, please check your plugins configuration. The standard image plugin must be enabled:

In config.js

Initialization script

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function(config) {
    config.extraPlugins = "file-manager,image";
CKEDITOR.replace("editorId", {
    extraPlugins: "file-manager,image",