Install file manager plugin for CKEditor 4
Note: the latest free version of CKEditor is 4.22
Starting from CKEditor 4.23, it is available under commercial terms, and will no longer be available for free.
Flmngr works with any version, but CKEditor 4.23 requires a license key for loading.
Find the place in your HTML/JavaScript code where you load CKEditor 4 and enable the file manager add-on in the initialization parameters:
In config.js
Initialization script
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function(config) {
config.extraPlugins = "file-manager";
config.Flmngr = {
apiKey: "FLMN24RR1234123412341234", // Default free key
// Get free own API key to use with a visual configurator:
// Toolbar is configured automatically
Install the backend
Now you need to install the file manager server-side script somewhere on your server. There is a manual behind the link on how to do it and link the backend with the Flmngr CKEditor plugin.
Ready to use
We recommend you to register a free own API key to configure Flmngr visually using Dashboard. Or you can configure it by passing API parameters directly. There is also a short FAQ related to CKEditor 4 plugin.
Here are the samples of CKEditor 4 with the file manager installation and using its API:
If you need to use Flmngr outside of CKEditor 4 on the same page, you can get its object and call it from JavaScript to ask it to pick files, upload an image, etc.
Use from API