Install file manager as a part of N1ED editor


N1ED is a WYSIWYG editor which can be installed as a plugin over CKEditor 4 or TinyMCE. It can also work as a snippet when you start from scratch and have no existing content builder yet. N1ED also has its own plugins/modules/extensions for popular CMSs like Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Prestashop, etc.

N1ED is a multi-plugin that will power up your CKEditor or TinyMCE with a file manager, image editor, features to edit responsible pages (Bootstrap  3, 4 and 5 are supported) and their grid (table structure), to make reusable block templates, insert a lot of widgets. So Flmngr file manager is an essential part of N1ED and is already included there.

N1ED wysiwyg editor with file manager

Install N1ED

Install N1ED using Wizard

Step-by-step instructions


Install the backend

Now you need to install the file manager server-side script on your server. There is a manual behind the link on how to do it and to connect the backend with N1ED.

Ready to use


N1ED file manager control panel

N1ED has its own visual control panel and Flmngr options will be available inside it.



Here are the samples of N1ED with the file manager installation and using its API:


If you need to use Flmngr outside of N1ED on the same page, you can get its object and call it from JavaScript to ask it to pick files, upload an image, etc.

Use from API