Select image with a preview with file manager
This sample demonstrates a usage of a new Flmngr API. The sample of legacy API usage can be found here.
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<h1 class="h5 mb-3">Flmngr file manager: select image with preview</h1>
<div id="btn" class="btn btn-primary" style="opacity:0.2;cursor:default">Select image...</div>
<div id="loading" style="font-size:12px">Loading file manager...</div>
<h2 class="h5 mt-5">Selected image</h2>
<p id="hint" style="display:none" class="hint"><b>Hint</b>: the preview is clickable.</p>
<div id="images">
No image selected yet.
// In real app replace with:
// import Flmngr from "flmngr";
import Flmngr from "";
// This demo uses a script for animating showing full-screen image when user clicks on a preview (a-la LightBox)
import {Luminous} from "";
apiKey: "FLMNFLMN",
urlFileManager: '',
urlFiles: '',
imageFormats: [
id: "preview",
title: "Preview",
suffix: "-preview",
maxWidth: 250,
maxHeight: 250
}, {
onFlmngrLoaded: () => {
function attachOnClickListenerToButton() {
let elBtn = document.getElementById("btn");
// Style button as ready to be pressed = 1; = "pointer";
let elLoading = document.getElementById("loading");
// Add a listener for selecting files
elBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
function selectFiles() {{
createImageFormats: ["preview"],
acceptExtensions: ["png", "jpeg", "jpg", "webp", "gif"],
isMultiple: false,
onFinish: (files) => {
function showSelectedImageWithPreview(files) {
let elImages = document.getElementById("images");
elImages.innerHTML = "";
// As far we requested just one file, it is the only item of the array
let file = files[0];
let filePreview = file.formats.find(file => file.format === "preview");
let urlPreview = Flmngr.getNoCacheUrl(filePreview.url);
let urlOriginal = Flmngr.getNoCacheUrl(file.url)
// Add preview image
let elTextPreview = document.createElement("p");
elTextPreview.textContent = "Preview image";
let elImgPreview = document.createElement("img");
elImgPreview.src = urlPreview;
elImgPreview.alt = "Image preview selected in Flmngr";
elImgPreview.setAttribute("data-src-original", urlOriginal);
// Add image original
let elText = document.createElement("p");
elText.textContent = "Original image";
let elImg = document.createElement("img");
elImg.src = urlOriginal;
elImg.alt = "Image selected in Flmngr";
document.getElementById("hint").style.display = "block";
function attachLightBoxToImage(elImg) {
new Luminous(
"showCloseButton": true,
"sourceAttribute": "data-src-original",
body {
padding: 20px;
background-color: #F4F4F4;
#images p {
margin: 5px 0 0 0;
font-size: 14px;
color: #444;
#images img[data-src-original] {
cursor: pointer;
border: 2px solid #007FFF;
#images img[data-src-original]:hover {
border-color: orange;
.lum-lightbox-image-wrapper {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
.hint {
color: #007FFF;
font-size: 14px;
margin-top: 10px;
line-height: 16px;
You can ask the user not only to select some image from the storage (and probably upload it) but also require a preview for it.
After passing the required parameters into the file manager, it will automatically generate previews for selected files using the maximum width and/or height you specified.
To implement this you need to define imageFormats
parameter. It should be passed in any method you use (or just to Flmngr.load({params})
if you use preloading of the library. There are two image formats already defined by default (preview
and medium
), but you might want to change their maxWidth
or add new formats.
So when passed into{params})
it will explain to Flmngr that there are some image formats it should support. First of all the file manager will group all image formats (image variants) in one preview.
Now to ask the file manager to return both the original image and image preview you must refer to the IDs of defined imageFormats
in a createImageFormats
parameter. The original image is returned always but also list in this parameter formats you need to be returned when user picked an image or images.
It will work with isMultiple
is to true
- this is useful for managing galleries.
Inside onFinish
callback you'll receive a structure like this (if you asked to generate a preview
url: "",
formats: [
format: "preview"
url: "",
The final code will be:
CKEditor 4
CKEditor 5
import Flmngr from "flmngr";{
apiKey: "FLMN24RR1234123412341234", // default free key
urlFileManager: '', // demo server
urlFiles: '', // demo file storage
imageFormats: [ // define image formats
id: "preview",
title: "Preview",
suffix: "-preview",
maxWidth: 250,
maxHeight: 250
createImageFormats: ["preview"], // return these format IDs
acceptExtensions: ["png", "jpeg", "jpg", "webp"], // accept images only
isMultiple: false, // let selecting a single file
onFinish: (files) => {
// Selected image (isMultiple == false returns always a single file)
let file = files[0];
console.log("Original image: " + file.url);
// Automatically generated preview
let filePreview = file.formats.find((f) => {
return f.format === "preview";
console.log("Preview image: " + filePreview.url);