Preload the file manager


( { params } )

Loads the libraries of the file manager from CDN and optionally preconfigures it with some parameters.

It is recommended to run this method right when the page loads to avoid loading delays. If you do not do it, Flmngr will be loaded on the first call, and you will need to pass all parameters of this function to another Flmngr method. This is applicable only for integrations based on the NPM package. In other configurations, do not use this function; simply call the desired method as usual.

Manually call Flmngr.load()


Call the Flmngr.load() method when the page loads. If you don't do that, please pass the same parameters in the desired method merged with its parameters (the user will wait until Flmngr is loaded in this case).

No need to call Flmngr.load()


All these integrations will preload Flmngr with an API key specified in another place.

*** JS snippet integration loads Flmngr with your API key but does not configure it. So you will need to pass at least urlFiles and urlFileManager to every method you call, for example, to{params}).


  • apiKey


    Your API key or FLMN24RR1234123412341234 if you are not registered yet.

    Do not pass this parameter when you use an integration that automatically loads Flmngr with a specific API key: JS snippet-based apps, CKEditor, TinyMCE, Drupal, Froala.

    This parameter is only for NPM package-based integrations, such as direct usage of the NPM package in your app, React, Vue, etc. In such configurations, you can omit it if you have already passed an API key at least once in some Flmngr method, including Flmmngr.load(apiKey) which is recommended to call when the page loads.

    Do not mix different API keys in one application; only the first one will be used.

  • urlFiles

    Can be configured via Dashboard

    Prefix for your files directory in URL notation. For example:

    In a multi-user environment, you can dynamically set this parameter depending on the current user logged into your app/CMS (don't forget to also set the directory on the server in the same way).

  • urlFileManager

    Can be configured via Dashboard

    URL on your server that will serve all requests from Flmgnr. This is the URL where you have bound the Flmngr backend. For example:

  • urlFileManager__CSRF

    ( onSuccess: ( result: { headers?: {[key: string]: string}, params?: {[key: string]: string} } ) => void, onError: () => void ) => void

    A callback to prepare the CSRF token if your app requires that.

    This parameter must contain a callback that Flmngr will execute before any request to the server.

    This callback should obtain the CSRF token from your app and pass it to the onSuccess() listener with POST parameters (params field) or headers (headers field). Flmngr will set such parameters and/or headers when sending the request.

    If there is an error while getting the CSRF token, call the onError() listener. Flmngr won't make any request in this case.

    If your app does not require a CSRF token, just omit this parameter.

    Default is null Optional

  • urlFileManager__user




    These two parameters can be used to set HTTP Basic Authentication credentials if your server uses such access checking.

    Default is null for both parameters. Optional

  • accessKey

    Can be configured via Dashboard

    When using Amazon S3 or Azure Blob storage support, please specify your access key here. This allows you to avoid exposing the entire configuration when granting access to cloud storage for your users. Instead, you only need to expose the access key, which is linked to the credentials kept secret. The access key can be changed as needed.

    Default is null. Optional

  • apiKeyUnsplash

    Can be configured via Dashboard

    Please specify the Unsplash API key as the value of this parameter in order to access 30,000+ free stock images from the file manager.

    Default is null. Optional

  • isMaximized


    Defines whether the file manager dialog should be opened maximized or not.

    Default is false. Optional

  • showMaximizeButton


    Defines whether the file manager dialog should show maximize button in the title or not. Set to false if you wish to prevent the user from maximizing the dialog.

    Default is true. Optional

  • showCloseButton


    Defines whether the file manager dialog should show a close button in the title or not. Set to false if you wish to prevent closing the dialog without picking a file.

    Default is true. Optional

  • hideFiles

    Can be configured via Dashboard

    Setting this filter will hide certain files in the list. For example, you can filter out all *.bmp files.

    Default is [".htaccess", ".htpasswd", ".gitignore"].Optional

  • hideDirs

    Can be configured via Dashboard

    Setting this filter will hide certain directories in the tree. For example, you can filter out .git folders.

    The default is [".cache", ".tmp", "tmp"].Optional

  • defaultUploadDir

    Can be configured via Dashboard

    Defines the default upload directory inside your storage. This parameter is not used when the file manager dialog is opened using{params}) because there is always a selected directory in that case. However, this parameter will be used when you call Flmngr.upload({params}) without the dirUploads option.

    The path of this directory is relative to urlFiles (the dirFiles option on the server).

    Default is "/" (root directory of your storage).Optional

  • defaultUploadDirStructure

    Can be configured via Dashboard

    Defines a structure for uploads made outside of the Flmngr dialog, for example, when you press the "Upload" external button. All such uploaded files will be stored inside the defaultUploadDir directory.

    And these options allow you to change the type of folder structure inside the upload directory.

    Default is "flat".Optional

    • "flat"

      All files will be placed directly into the defaultUploadDir.

    • YYYY/MM

      The directory structure in the format defaultUploadDir/year/month/ will be created (if it does not exist) to place uploaded files.

    • YYYY/MM/DD

      The directory structure in the format defaultUploadDir/year/month/date/ will be created (if it does not exist) to place uploaded files.

    • Please do not use any custom formats; only the values above are currently available.

  • uploadThreads


    When the user uploads bulk files, the Flmngr file manager will upload them simultaneously. This parameter defines the maximum number of simultaneous upload threads.

    Default is 5.Optional

  • filesPerPortion

    Can be configured via Dashboard

    File manager displays files with automatic pagination, which is executed when users scroll through the file list until the end. This parameter defines how many files should be included on each page.

    Default is 100.Optional

  • imageFormats

    { id: string; title: string; suffix: string; maxWidth: number|null; maxHeight: number|null; }[]

    The imageFormats parameter defines how the Flmngr file manager should handle different image formats. For example, if you have image.png and image-preview.jpg, the file manager will group them in the file list view if you have a format with the -preview suffix. Deleting the original file will also delete its associated formats, and the same applies to renaming, moving, and other operations.

    Flmngr can also automatically create image formats when needed, for example when the user inserts an image as a preview. To do this you need to define this parameter and call{params}) with the Flmngr.createImageFormats({params}) parameter, which includes a set of image format IDs you need to obtain for the picked file.

    Similarly, you can programmatically request image formats for a specific image, and they will be created if they don't already exist. Please refer to the Flmngr.createImageFormats({params}) method for more details on this functionality.

    Another feature is the ability to automatically resize the original image to be smaller than the maxWidth and maxHeight of the default image format.

    Optional Default is:

        "id": "preview",
        "title": "Preview",
        "suffix": "-preview",
        "maxWidth": 480,
        "maxHeight": 480
        "id": "medium",
        "title": "Medium",
        "suffix": "-medium",
        "maxWidth": 1024,
        "maxHeight": 1024
        "id": "default",
        "title": "Default",
        "suffix": null,
        "maxWidth": 10000,
        "maxHeight": 10000